Mondays-Wednesdays or Call to Schedule Appointments
We are dedicated followers of Jesus Christ,
Who use our unique God-given talents and passions to spread God’s Word across the globe, as well as to help one another grow and follow the calling God has placed on our lives. Our Heart and Focus is to obey the words of Christ and not the man made Christ.
Faith Family Church Ministry is a caring, Christian family committed to sharing the love of Christ.
We are currently streaming services to the following platforms.
Don’t wait until the start of the service to make sure it works.
Treat this like you would any sports event, and consider the size of your “congregation.”
Play on any TV enabled with Airplay or Chromecast, or with a set-top device, using your preferred streaming platform.
Worship confidently. Make sure you can make it loud enough without hurting your ears or bugging your neighbors.
508 South Gulling street portola ca 96122
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