Our Story


Story Church is a new church in the Fargo-Moorhead area. Although Story Church is a new church in a sense, we believe that Story would be best described as a fresh expression of what God has been doing throughout history to restore people into His family. Story is part of God’s vision given to us and through us, for this time, this place, and this people. The Bible presents us with God’s grand story, telling of His relentless pursuit of each one of us throughout history by revealing Who He is, and by redeeming and reconciling a lost humanity to Himself. We truly view history as His-Story.



We have been called to help encourage and motivate all creatures on Earth.
We definitely don’t have life figured out, though the one thing that we do have, is that God created man in His image.
With that in play, we know that if we look at it from His point of view, we would love to have everyone get along and become a team.
Our full and exciting schedules in life are seasons that grow us, and more together. There is no excuse why we have to be alone, it starts with creating the opportunities to trust God and listen intently for His voice of direction.

One of my influential Friends in my life, always shared this,

“If you enjoy doing the job that puts food on the table, you will never work a day in your life”

      Scott Bergstrom.  June 4th, 1952—–December 9th 2021

When we become examples like Christ and Obey His teachings, we will create a fruitful life. It all starts with focusing on the two commandments that are taught. 1st Commandment will make all things possible, Love God first. with all your mind, body and soul.
As we move through the seasons of in life, we should then practice the 2nd commandment, Jesus teaches us love your neighbors. Our neighbors are all the people that we surround ourselves with in life.
Understanding both of those commandments is the easy part, but practicing them for perfection, that’s a whole different story. That’s why keeping our mind, body and soul focused on Christ becomes so imperative!!!!
The purpose of the Bible is to help us trust in the Lord and draw our focus on Him.

Basically, the Bible is our traffic light. It tells us when to go, when to slow down or boldy stop.
The Word brings a peace and order to our lives. One of the toughest things in life is trusting others’ motives. This is explained in our society, day in and day out. Again if we could just focus on the Word it would bring the light to the first two commandments.
We here at FFCM want to bring a place of comfort and acceptance!
Knowing and understanding that there are spiritual things that happen in the world Good and Bad, we are to bring these things to the surface and focus on the good.
Again not having everything figured out, we do trust the Word helps show us who we are!!!
My finishing statement is whether you believe in God, the Holy Spirit, or Jesus it’s important to start focusing on what a Great Example is and study it.
The Greatest example that ever walked this Earth was a man named Jesus.
Understanding that He was thee greatest example in love, patience, boldness, teaching, and Full of Integrity, how can you go wrong? As you study Him and His character you will soon be open and realize the big picture in this world. Spirituality is alive and active!

Where Faith Family Church Ministry Started:

We are a Church that started as a Youth group in a small community, population of 1,971. We actually started in the park with 2 teenagers in 2014. They told us that they really didn’t know how to believe in God. After hanging out with us that 1st Thursday night that is when it started. In a matter of 3 weeks, we started teaching around 80-100 youth. That started something for which we had no clue or plans, It was at that time, we realized that we were in God’s hands. We are Blessed and were able to build “The Dream Team”. The Dream Team started with our family. Justin and Autumn Rose, James and Stacey Glisson and Carlos and Sierra Hernandez, they took on the food and security side while Lisa Gelini stepped right into the younger youth. We truly felt God’s hand move in so many ways that were outside the box in no time flat!!

It was truly God that pulled this together and grew us. Some of the other church ministries had approached us to share with them our secrets of creating such a pull/gathering for youth ministry. We told them we don’t have any secrets though we do have a God given plan that seems to do pretty well,  “The Bible”.

I think a couple of the most important things that we continue to carry out are share and say with anyone and everyone is…

“It doesn’t matter what you smell like or look like, and we don’t like to have any type of clicks or judgment and please expect to come get fed. When you join in with us expect to be fed twice, 1st Spiritual feeding and 2nd physical feeding’.

By that you welcome in anyone and let God be God!!
We have been called to help encourage and motivate man all over this Earth.
We definitely don’t have life figured out, though the one thing that we do have, is that God created man in His image.
With that in play, we know that if we look at it from His point of view we would love to have everyone get along and become a team or like He says the Church Body.
Our craziest vision and dream is that we all play, work, and enjoy each other’s company all the time.
The 2nd commandment says it all in a nut shell “Love your neighbor”.
Understanding that is the easy part, but doing it, that’s a whole different story.
That’s why focusing on the 1st Commandment will make all things possible, Love God first.
As we take a journey in life and take advantage of the Holy Bible, the way we trust in it and focus is using the Bible as our traffic light. It has to become a relationship not a religion.
The Word brings a peace and order to our lives. One of the toughest things in life is trusting others’ motives. This is explained in our society, day in and day out. Again if we could just focus on the Word it would bring the light to the first two commandments.
We here at FFCM want to bring a place of comfort and acceptance!
knowing and understanding that there are spiritual things that happen in the world Good and Bad, we are to bring these things to the surface and focus on the good.

Again, not having everything figured out we do trust the Word helps show us who we are!!! My finishing statement is whether you believe in God, the Holy Spirit, or Jesus it’s important to start focusing on what a Great Example is and study it.
The Greatest example that ever walked this Earth was a man named Jesus.
Understanding that he was thee greatest example, in love, patience, boldness, teaching, and Full of Integrity, how can you go wrong? As you study Him and His character you will soon be open and realize the big picture in this world. Spirituality is alive and active!


Our leadership team is committed to a vision to ensure Faith Family is a church where people can find God and ultimately make a difference.

People’s stories matter.

In 1 Corinthians 9:22 Paul states, “I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. I do everything to spread the Good News and share in its blessings.” The name Story is so important to our church because it transcends and overcomes the barriers and divisions of ethnicity, culture, age, gender, religion, and creed by bridging and uniting people through the stories of their lives—their joys, their hurts, and their struggles.



We count on thousands of volunteers to help make our weekend worship experiences happen and serve people throughout the week… and we believe they are the best part of Faith Family. By serving, you can make a difference in the lives of others.

Everyone has a story, and each story represents a life that has value and purpose in God’s eyes.

At Faith Family Church, we love and accept people where they are and as they are, just as God does. True love, however, requires that we help them move from where they are into the life that God desires for them. We do this by introducing them to the God that loves them without measure so that they can establish an ever-growing relationship with Him—giving them a new perspective and vision for their lives. When this happens, people’s true potential is unleashed because they are now empowered by the Spirit of the Living and Infinite God, and able to live out their eternal, God-given purpose.